Plants,animals,And trees these can all be gorgeous,but they may be exotic and take over our waters or our land.Meaning we need to find some solutions and quick.
Clean,drain,and dry plus trying to make bio fuels are two great solutions that could guarantee aquatic plants to have a positive effect on East Texas ecosystems.
Invasive species are species from other countries that invade our land.Also an exotic is a species not from our country.The problem or dilemma is these invasive species are taking over our land and waters.Herbicides are not taking these nasty plants away neither are weevils,but they are slowing them down.
Clean,drain,and dry is a very good of stopping the spread of invasives.If you don’t you can be charged from 200 to 500 dollars.If you would like to keep that money just Clean,Drain,and Dry.Also if you don’t you will have game wardens watching your moves.So be careful if you don’t want game wardens on you.A very good way to stop the spread is to clean,drain,and dry.
A second way to stop the spread of invasive species is to turn them into bio fuels.Scientists have been studying this for quite awhile.In fact,for a year or two they have been studying.Not only will this stop some invasive species but it will also help the problem or dilemma of running out of gas in the near future.If,you didn’t know we will be running out of gas for our cars and oil but if we turn this into bio fuels problem fixed.Bio fuels are a great way to stop the spread.
To help our ecosystem we need invasives to have a positive effect on it like bio fuels,but we to stop the spread until we can make bio fuels.So what do you want no fish,no water,or no invasives?
Gorgeously Dangeruos
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